Categories ArchivesDirect Mail Analytics

Direct Mail Marketing is Far From Dead image

To paraphrase one of the great American authors of all time, "the reports of the death of direct mail have been greatly exaggerated." Yes, it's true that today's marketing world is highly focused on digital methods and avenues like social media or email. However, what you might not realize is that even though everyone carries a smartphone around in their pocket with them all day long, direct mail is still continuing to outperform digital in almost every way on a consistent basis. It's true. According to one recent study, direct mail marketing yields an average response rate of 5.1%. Email comes in at just .6% and social media comes in at a slim .4%. Not only that, but for every $167 that ...

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Pest Control Marketing with Direct Mail image

One of the major challenges in terms of pest control marketing has to do with the fact that your business is very seasonal - almost more so than any other industry. It's not that your organization shuts down for long periods of time, or even that your customers tend to taper off during a particular part of the year. There will always be pests and there will always be people who hate them - it's just that the challenges your customers face during the winter are very, very different from the ones they face during the summer. With DynamiCard and our seasonal marketing offerings for pest control businesses, however, this is no longer a liability - it's an opportunity. You can now ...

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DynamiCard Works Because of ROI image

It doesn't actually matter what type of restaurant you're running, how long you've been in business or even what your menu looks like - you need to connect with the largest audience of people via your restaurant marketing and you need to do it right now. Almost more so than any other industry, restaurants depend on repeat business - your marketing is how you draw people in for the first time and your menu is how you keep them coming back for more. Ultimately, this is why our targeted mailing efforts at DynamiCard work so well - especially in terms of ROI (return on investment). You're not just targeting anybody. You're targeting the people who represent the highest chance of loving what ...

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HVAC, Plumbing & Home Services: Guarantee the Best Results With the Right Approach image

One of the most important things to understand about direct mail marketing is that your efforts should be dictated in large part by the industry you're actually operating in. There's no real "one size fits all" approach to what you're doing so you have to let your market - and your customers - dictate a lot of the choices you're making. Case in point: there are a few key tips that HVAC companies and plumbing and home services businesses can start using to really increase their efforts as quickly as possible. Take Your Direct Mail Marketing to the Next Level If you really want to take your HVAC, plumbing and home services marketing efforts to the next level, one of the best ...

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How To Attract Leads For Your Plastic Postcards image

Dynami card

Are your direct mail pieces checking all the boxes and hitting the targeted mark—every time? Are you sure? What if we told you there was a way they could be? Yep! There is and we can prove it! Attracting Leads in a Digital World Using Direct Mail Tactics Marketing seems to be all about digital these days with websites, apps, and everything in-between. So what does that mean for direct mail? You can't search, stream, browse, or scroll through a direct mail piece like you can with online ads—BUT—you can touch them, which is something you can't do with online ads. Why is that important? Being able to physically touch a unique direct mail piece hits an emotional nerve and jump-starts the intrigue thought process. A Mailbox Versus an Inbox ...

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How Analytics-Driven Direct Mail Prospers image

There are a lot of people out there who insist that influencer marketing is all the rage these days. Rather than conducting a thoughtfully constructed, forward-thinking direct mail campaign of your own, all you really have to do is partner with the right influencer and you can harness their built-in audience to your advantage. Sounds easy, right? In a best case scenario, it is - but what those people WON'T tell you is that it's a lot harder to get to this point than you might think. Therefore, when influencer marketing fails, it's critical for you to understand that an analytics-driven direct mail campaign can prosper in a wide array of different ways, all of which are more than worth exploring. A ...

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How Direct Mail Can Boost Online Purchases image

While it's absolutely true that more and more people are engaging with brands over the Internet these days, that doesn't mean that direct mail is dead - far from it. In fact, even if you operate a business exclusively online, there are still a wide array of different benefits that the right direct mail campaign can bring to the table that would be difficult to replicate through other means. Leveraging Direct Mail to Your (Online) Advantage One of the most important benefits of executing a thoughtfully constructed direct mail campaign ultimately comes down to what it can do for your response rate. According to one recent study, about 67% of millennial parents and 53% of millennials in general say that they're ...

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Seasonal Marketing for Landscapers image

Yes, it's absolutely true that winter is firmly upon us and that low temperatures are gripping many parts of the country. But savvy landscaping businesses in particular know one truth among all others - it's never too early to start thinking about (and executing) your spring marketing campaigns. If you wait until the warm weather is already here, it will be far too late to kick your marketing campaigns into high gear. But if you lay the groundwork now, you'll stay at the top of someone's mind all throughout the season. Then, when they ARE looking for a landscaping business to help make their lawn warm-weather ready, you'll have exponentially increased the chances that the partner they seek out will ...

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Expand Your Direct Mail Reach with Dynamic Addressable Geofencing image

Geofencing and Direct Mail

One of the most important things to understand about your marketing strategy is that, for the best results, all of the various techniques you're using should feed into and empower one another, coming together to form something more important than any one of them could be on their own. This means that in the modern era, the key to the best response rate AND the best ROI rests in true cross-platform marketing in every sense of the term. One of the best ways to accomplish THAT involves dynamic addressable geofencing, a technique that itself brings with it a number of core benefits that can't be ignored. Why Dynamic Addressable Geofencing Makes All the Difference By now, you're probably already using techniques like ...

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Seasonal Marketing for Landscapers: Swing Into Spring image

Landscaper Marketing

Yes, it's absolutely true that winter is firmly upon us and that low temperatures are gripping many parts of the country. But savvy landscaping businesses in particular know one truth among all others - it's never too early to start thinking about (and executing) your spring marketing campaigns. If you wait until the warm weather is already here, it will be far too late to kick your marketing campaigns into high gear. But if you lay the groundwork now, you'll stay at the top of someone's mind all throughout the season. Then, when they ARE looking for a landscaping business to help make their lawn warm-weather ready, you'll have exponentially increased the chances that the partner they seek out will ...

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