Standard Included Reports
Marital Status
Year Home Built
Length of Residence
Households With/Without Children
Households With/Without Seniors
Home Value
Home Type Single Family vs Apartment
What is DynamiScan?
DynamiScan allows you to easily scan offers being redeemed from your plastic postcard and eco postcard mailers at the point of sale and identify statistically which demographics are responding to your advertising, which offers perform best, and which demographic/offer combo drives the highest average ticket. Additionally DynamiScan also collects the names and addresses of each respondent.
Why use DynamiScan?
- Save your company thousands of dollars by identifying and avoiding the demographics that are unresponsive
- Collect 100% of your new customers names & addresses
- Know which offer to use & who to mail it too
- Profile your customer base in just one postcard mailing
Know who to mail what! DynamiScan!
DynamiScan Facts:
DynamiScan makes your plastic postcard or eco postcard mailing the single most track-able advertising tool in your marketing toolbox.
DynamiScan clients know exactly how much they made on a direct mail campaign, how each location preformed, and what to expect on their next mailing.
A typical advertiser using DynamiScan has a direct mail response rate gain of 25% or more then an advertiser using a “Seat of the pants” system.
DynamiScan clients know exactly how many times their new customers have returned to their business and which offers they prefer.
DynamiScan eliminates re-couponing customers over and over. We know who they are, what they respond to, and can control how often they are presented an offer.
DynamiScan can help you know more accurately who your customers are so that you can better match your products and services to their needs.
DynamiScan clients have the names and addresses of every single patron that comes in the door from your direct mail campaign.
DynamiScan clients spend no time building spreadsheets and charts; DynamiScan does it for you, in real time. DynamiScan allows you to “trim the fat” from your mailing list, making your mailings more efficient one mailing to the next.