Categories ArchivesDirect Mail Analytics

Power of Responsive Direct Mail Plastic Postcards image

Plastic Postcards

Success in terms of marketing is all about getting the right message in front of the right person at exactly the right time - this has always been true and it likely always will be. But how do you make sure that someone actually NOTICES your message when they're receiving more targeted advertisements than ever on a daily basis? The answer is simple: you use a format that they can't help but pay attention to. For many brands, plastic postcards ARE that format and they unlock a myriad of different advantages you won't be able to find anywhere else. Stand Out from the Crowd One of the major benefits that direct mail collateral like plastic postcards bring to the table is that, ...

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The Impact of Using Direct Mail to Boost Online Purchases image

Online Retailers

While it's absolutely true that more and more people are engaging with brands over the Internet these days, that doesn't mean that direct mail is dead - far from it. In fact, even if you operate a business exclusively online, there are still a wide array of different benefits that the right direct mail campaign can bring to the table that would be difficult to replicate through other means. Leveraging Direct Mail to Your (Online) Advantage One of the most important benefits of executing a thoughtfully constructed direct mail campaign ultimately comes down to what it can do for your response rate. According to one recent study, about 67% of millennial parents and 53% of millennials in general say that they're ...

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What Realtors Need to Know About Targeting Absentee Homeowners image

Real Estate Marketing

It's no secret that real estate marketing is a bit more specific than most forms of advertising, as you're trying to capture someone's attention at a very important moment in their life. But as opposed to going after someone like a potential first time homebuyer, you can actually leverage best practices to your advantage and target people who may already have a home that they aren't necessarily getting a lot of value out of. If you play your cards right, you can create the type of mutually beneficial situation that serves you both well in the short-term moving forward. Targeting Absentee Homeowners: Breaking Things Down Maybe the most important thing for you to understand about all of this comes down to ...

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Where Influencer Marketing Fails, Analytics-Driven Direct Mail Prospers image

Influencer Marketing

There are a lot of people out there who insist that influencer marketing is all the rage these days. Rather than conducting a thoughtfully constructed, forward-thinking direct mail campaign of your own, all you really have to do is partner with the right influencer and you can harness their built-in audience to your advantage. Sounds easy, right? In a best case scenario, it is - but what those people WON'T tell you is that it's a lot harder to get to this point than you might think. Therefore, when influencer marketing fails, it's critical for you to understand that an analytics-driven direct mail campaign can prosper in a wide array of different ways, all of which are more than worth exploring. A ...

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Harnessing B2B Drip Marketing Campaigns to Your Advantage image

Drip Marketing

One of the most important things to understand about your B2B leads is that you're talking about a situation where decision-making can literally take weeks - if not months - to execute. Because of this, drip marketing MUST become a cornerstone of your B2B direct mail marketing strategy. Rather than trying to speed up someone's decision, you need to build time into your marketing strategy to finesse them - let them come to the right choice on their own terms. Luckily, targeted mailing and marketing analytics have made this easier than ever. You just need to keep a few key things in mind. Executing Your B2B Drip Direct Marketing Campaign To start, you need to make sure you've identified the right B2B ...

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Proven Tactics for Tracking the Performance of Your Direct Mail Campaigns image

Dynami card

So... you've just spent a boatload of money on a direct mail campaign. What's next? Well, you certainly don't want to sit around watching, waiting, and expecting droves of traffic to come through your doors or to your website. OK, so what should I be doing instead? Well, there are several things that should be included in your campaign strategy that will ensure all that money you spent is working for you. Here are the six proven tactics for tracking the performance of your direct mail campaigns, and, the one thing you can do to virtually eliminate all the time and effort behind effectively analyzing all that data. Curious? Keep reading... 6 Proven Tactics for Tracking the Performance of Your Direct Mail Campaigns Here is what the pros ...

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How Movie Theaters Can Unlock the Full Power of Direct Mail Marketing image

Dynami card

In an era where massive, 4K television screens are becoming more commonplace, movie theaters are having a harder time filling their seats than ever. But what savvy theater owners know is that they have one particularly powerful weapon that is just waiting to be taken advantage of - direct mail marketing. Why Direct Mail is Perfect for Movie Theaters One of the major reasons why movie theaters should be looking into direct mail has to do with how it can help build - and reward - customer loyalty. Tracking and analytics can be used to show you who your most loyal customers are, for example, and you can then reach out to them with a concessions discount or other offer codes ...

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How Advertising Agencies Can Increase Their Value With Automated Direct Mail image

Dynami card

It's safe to say that as an advertising agency, your number one priority is always to have the most diverse array of offerings possible. After all, it's not what you can do in a literal sense that forms the basis of your competitive advantage - it's what you can do for your CLIENTS that counts. With that in mind, agencies can absolutely utilize automated direct mail to expand their offerings - a good idea for a number of reasons that are more than worth exploring. The Power of Automated Direct Mail: Breaking Things Down For advertising agencies in particular, automated direct mail offerings are a perfect opportunity to bring a tremendous amount of value to their own clients, all in one fell ...

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3 Fail-Proof Seasonal Marketing Tips for HVAC Businesses image

Dynami card

Are you the owner of an HVAC business who would love to know how to set yourself up for success in the off-season? Then look no further, because we have a solution that will absolutely knock your socks off! Yep! You heard that right. And the best part is you won't have to lift a finger to do it. Want to know the secret? Then keep reading, and we will give you three tips for off-season success and the one thing you can do that will set you up for success without ever having to lift a finger. Three Fail-Proof Seasonal Marketing Tips for HVAC Businesses 1. Offer Complementary Services You should always offer complementary services. For example: Vent cleaning, sanitizing, and purification services before turning the heater ...

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Why Personalization Matters in Real Estate Marketing image

Dynami card

Buying and/or selling a home is already a more personal experience than most. As a real estate agent or other business professional, you need to leverage that fact to your advantage. This means leaning into the personalization aspect of real estate marketing as heavily - and as often - as you can. Injecting a Bit of Personality Back Into Real Estate Marketing One of the reasons why personalization is so effective in this particular context has to do with the ways in which it takes the natural benefits of targeted mailing even further. With targeted mailing, you're already going after people in your area who are most likely to want to buy a new home. Whether they're a first-time home buyer, ...

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