It’s safe to say that as an advertising agency, your number one priority is always to have the most diverse array of offerings possible. After all, it’s not what you can do in a literal sense that forms the basis of your competitive advantage – it’s what you can do for your CLIENTS that counts.
With that in mind, agencies can absolutely utilize automated direct mail to expand their offerings – a good idea for a number of reasons that are more than worth exploring.
The Power of Automated Direct Mail: Breaking Things Down
For advertising agencies in particular, automated direct mail offerings are a perfect opportunity to bring a tremendous amount of value to their own clients, all in one fell swoop.
White label, web-to-print online portals, for just one example, can be fully branded for your agency. Not only your agents, but also your clients, can then just log-on to your automated service from their computer and have complete control over their direct mail marketing strategy.
They can select from targeted mailing lists to help increase the precision of their direct mail campaigns. They can also create their own mailer art by using customizable templates that conveniently put the power of graphic design in their own hands.
Likewise, all of this allows you to seamlessly integrate with direct mail tracking and analytics. Giving your agency the power to accurately measure your clients’ results in a way that unlocks valuable insight that can be used to fine-tune their future campaigns.
At DynamiCard, for just one example, our proprietary analytics software will track the performance of your clients’ direct mail campaigns from beginning to end. So even more than the actual service that you’re offering, this type of automated marketing analytics allows you to add an incredible amount of value back into wholesale advertising – which is ultimately the most important goal of all.
If you’d like to find out more information about how advertising agencies can add automated direct mail to their offerings, or if you’d just like to get answers to any other specific questions you may have, please don’t delay – contact us today.