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The Key to More Influential Direct Mail Than Ever Before image

Direct Mail

While it's absolutely true that one of the main goals of your marketing strategy should be to create as much awareness as possible for your business, you also need to be prepared to go a bit deeper than that. Awareness is great, but it's passive by its very nature. You can be aware that an interesting business is out there and still not really do anything about it. What you REALLY want is for people to be active - you need them to want to engage with your business in a way that creates an exceptional experience they won't soon forget. Luckily, direct mail is the perfect opportunity to accomplish this goal - provided that you keep a few key ...

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Use These Three Tools to Create More Responsive Direct Mail Collateral image

Direct Mail Collateral

Any marketer who has been in this business long enough can tell you that flashy marketing collateral will only get you so far. Broadcasting a generic message to the widest possible audience is not nearly as effective as a targeted message sent to exactly the right audience at the right time. But you don't just want to make people aware that you're out there. You want to motivate and inspire them in a way that makes engagement a foregone conclusion. Therefore, if you really want to build more responsive direct mail collateral, there are a few key tools you'll want to keep in mind. Your Journey Towards More Responsive Direct Mail Begins Now By far, one of the most important steps you ...

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Growing Your Veterinary Practice or Pet Clinic During COVID-19 image

Veterinary Practice Marketing

With much of the country still in the grips of the COVID-19 pandemic, so many organizations are concerned about when they can return to normal - regardless of what that new "normal" currently looks like. Few are actually concerned with long-term growth right now - but in reality, that is a mistake that a veterinary practice or pet clinic like yours cannot afford to make. In fact, pet services businesses of all kinds can and should be looking towards future growth as COVID-19 finally leaves us behind. As you do, know that direct mail and your marketing strategy in general are about to become the best friends you've ever had to that end. Creating a Growth-Focused Marketing Strategy for Veterinary Practices In ...

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CBD and Direct Mail: Here’s What You Need to Know image

CBD Marketing

According to one recent study, CBD sales in the United States are expected to hit an incredible $20 billion by as soon as 2024. If you need a single statistic to prove that this industry is every bit as powerful as you've been led to believe, let it be that one. However, thanks largely to federal legal restrictions on things like digital marketing (think: social media), getting the messages of these businesses across to the people who want to hear them has been something of an uphill battle. Enter: direct mail, which has become the perfect opportunity to get the word out about this revolutionary product in a way that won't just capture someone's attention, but that will keep it ...

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Market Your Pool Services Before the Summer Rush image

Pool Services

While the weather outside right not certainly leaves a lot to be desired for much of the country, NOW is absolutely the time to start planning your summer pool services marketing campaigns for maximum effect. You need to kick things into high gear BEFORE the weather starts to heat up. Not only will this go a long way towards making sure that you beat the summer rush, but you'll also guarantee that you stay at the top of your prospects' minds all season long. Taking Your Pool Services Marketing to the Next Level By far, the most important step you can take to really make sure that your seasonal marketing campaign gets off on the right foot involves leveraging the full ...

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Millennials and Direct Mail: A Match Made in Heaven image

Millennials Marketing

One of the great things about direct mail is that it's inherently trustworthy - but this isn't just a sentiment shared among older generations - Millennials love the credibility of direct mail marketing materials, too. However, if you want to effectively target Millennials using direct mail and make the perfect first impression among your target audience, there are a few key things you'll want to keep in mind. Targeting Millennials: Here's What You Need to Know Arguably, the most important thing that you need to do to capture the attention of Millennials using direct mail involves making sure that you're using the right targeted mailing best practices in the first place. Generational marketing is certainly nothing new, but you'll want to take extra ...

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Capture a New Generation of Timeshare Owners image

Timeshare Marketing

You may not think that timeshare marketing is inherently seasonal, but this idea actually couldn't be farther from the truth. Even though the cold winter months are firmly upon us, now is actually the perfect time to start planning the type of campaign that will attract Millennials in particular to what you have to offer. Your prospects are already dreaming about how they're going to escape the winter blues and many of them are currently planning their summer getaways. They're in the mood for fun and excitement and this is exactly the spirit that you can use to empower your lead generation efforts moving forward. Taking Advantage of the Next Generation of Timeshare Owners One of the reasons why direct mail ...

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The Impact of Using Direct Mail to Boost Online Purchases image

Online Retailers

While it's absolutely true that more and more people are engaging with brands over the Internet these days, that doesn't mean that direct mail is dead - far from it. In fact, even if you operate a business exclusively online, there are still a wide array of different benefits that the right direct mail campaign can bring to the table that would be difficult to replicate through other means. Leveraging Direct Mail to Your (Online) Advantage One of the most important benefits of executing a thoughtfully constructed direct mail campaign ultimately comes down to what it can do for your response rate. According to one recent study, about 67% of millennial parents and 53% of millennials in general say that they're ...

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What Realtors Need to Know About Targeting Absentee Homeowners image

Real Estate Marketing

It's no secret that real estate marketing is a bit more specific than most forms of advertising, as you're trying to capture someone's attention at a very important moment in their life. But as opposed to going after someone like a potential first time homebuyer, you can actually leverage best practices to your advantage and target people who may already have a home that they aren't necessarily getting a lot of value out of. If you play your cards right, you can create the type of mutually beneficial situation that serves you both well in the short-term moving forward. Targeting Absentee Homeowners: Breaking Things Down Maybe the most important thing for you to understand about all of this comes down to ...

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Keep Your Direct Mail From Becoming Junk Mail image

Direct Mail

There's absolutely nothing worse than spending hours upon hours coordinating what is objectively the best piece of direct mail marketing collateral you've ever created, only to have it wind up in someone's trash. It's happened to many marketers... but it doesn't have to happen to you! At least, not anymore. If you really want to make sure that you're doing everything you can to keep your direct mail from becoming junk mail, there are a few key things you'll want to keep in mind along the way. Avoiding Junk Mail Curse: Your Guide One of the major reasons why people immediately toss direct mail advertisements into the trash is because of the same basic reason: bad addressing. This includes addressing your mail with ...

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