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The Art of Wholesale Advertising: Better Marketing for Agencies image

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Maybe the most pivotal thing for you to keep in mind about agency and reseller partnerships is that no two marketing strategies are created equally. Unlike a brand who is doing absolutely everything in-house, you're going to be collaborating with someone outside your business. This is absolutely okay... provided that this partner understands what your agency is ultimately trying to do in the long run. Thankfully, this is likely a bit easier than you think it's going to be. If you truly want to get the most out of your agency and reseller partnership (and of course you do), there are a few core things you'll want to keep in mind. Getting the Most Out of Your Agency and Reseller Marketing: ...

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Where Email Marketing Fails, Direct Mail Succeeds image


The world we're living in these days is an increasingly digital one - there really is no getting around that at this point. Cell phones have become a ubiquitous part of our lives. We're essentially on the Internet all day, every day. With that in mind, now would be the perfect time to say "good bye" to direct mail marketing forever in favor of an "all in" push on email marketing, right? Not at all. A far as lead generation is concerned, now is actually the time to double down on your direct mail marketing efforts for a number of different reasons that are more than worth exploring. The Troubles With Email Marketing One thing that a lot of business owners fail to ...

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MailChimp’s New Direct Mail Postcards… Too Good to Be True? image

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MailChimp, an industry leader in terms of email marketing, ads, landing pages, and CRM tools, recently announced that they're going to be expanding their existing direct mail capabilities with a series of new direct mail postcards aimed at businesses like yours. On the one hand, it's enticing to continue to leverage a brand as powerful as MailChimp's to your advantage. But are these postcards just the adrenalin injection your campaigns have been looking for, or are they too good to be true? Luckily, we took a closer look so that you don't have to. An Overview of MailChimp's New Direct Mail Postcards On the surface, MailChimp's new direct mail plastic postcards do have a lot going for them. But when diving deeper, ...

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Make Your Agency More Efficient With True White Label Marketing image

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To say that advertising has become an increasingly competitive industry over the last few years is, at this point, probably a little bit of an understatement. Not only are more and more brick and mortar agencies popping up on a regular basis, but the Internet and digital marketing have essentially opened the doors to a sea of veritable competitors that can be difficult to fend off - even for established brands. However, all hope is not lost. If you're truly looking for a way to make your advertising agency more efficient, white label marketing is an opportunity you'll want to explore for a number of key reasons. The Art of White Label Marketing: Breaking Things Down The major benefit of white label ...

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Want to Increase Your Response Rate? Master Sequenced Mailings image

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If someone told you that there was a direct mail technique out there that could potentially double both the prospects AND responders for your business, you'd naturally want to learn more about it, right? Of course you would - and that's exactly what a technique called sequenced mailing is designed to do. When leveraged properly, it's one of the most powerful forms of targeted mailing there is - and it's absolutely something you'll want to pay attention to moving forward. What You Need to Know About Sequenced Mailing At its core, mail sequences are exactly what they sound like - a series of mailings that are sent out in a specific order to make contact with the same people multiple times. So ...

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Want to Get Better at Targeted Mailing? Use the 40/40/20 Marketing Rule image

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The 40/40/20 marketing rule may have a somewhat enigmatic name - but in reality, the approach it's describing couldn't be more straightforward. In essence, it's a theory that says that the ultimate success (not to mention return on investment) of your campaign is essentially relying on three core factors: 40% of your success is directly related to how effective your mailing list is. Another 40% ties back into how compelling your offer is. The remaining 20% comes from literally everything else. Why the 40/40/20 Marketing Rule Matters For the sake of discussion, let's start with the reverse order. The 20% that falls under the "everything else" category directly refers to not only graphic design, but also the specific copy of the ...

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How to Get the Best Possible ROI with Direct Mail image

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There's an old saying that reminds us "you have to spend money to make money" - but in the case of direct mail marketing, that's only one part of a much more important story. Just because you're able to spend a huge amount of cash on direct mail collateral doesn't mean that you're getting everything you could be in return. Indeed, the success of any campaign lives and dies based on its ROI - and if you really want to make sure that yours is as high as it can be, there are a few key things to keep in mind. A Better ROI Awaits: Breaking Things Down The most important thing you can do to improve your direct mail response ...

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The Secret to More Engaging Direct Mail Campaigns image

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It's no secret that direct mail marketing is one of the most effective forms of promotion and advertising that the modern brand can enjoy. But at the same time, it is imperative to understand that simply using direct mail alone won't be enough to get the job done. To truly strike a chord with your target audience in a way that gets them to sit up and pay attention, you need to create better, more compelling and more engaging material - which of course requires you to keep a few important pointers in mind. An Emotional Response is an Engaging Response By far, the easiest (and maybe the most effective) way to create more engaging direct mail campaigns is to leverage ...

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How to Help Digital and Direct Mail Work Together image

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A lot of people incorrectly assume that when it comes to digital and direct mail marketing, you're looking at an "either/or" affair. The fact of the matter is, this just isn't true - particularly as far as your response rate and larger return on investment are concerned. Instead of putting all of your eggs in one basket, you can effectively combine the might of these two techniques and wield both to great impact at the exact same time. Of course, this does require you to keep a few key things in mind. Building a Better Cross-Platform Marketing Strategy Facebook is more than just one of the most popular social media platforms in existence - it's also a powerful opportunity to use ...

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The Consequences of Bad Data image

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One of the best things about being a marketer in the modern age is that data is literally everywhere. All day, people are uploading massive volumes of information about themselves - all of which you can use to your advantage. If you know what someone likes, what they don't like, where they live and what type of lifestyle they have, you have most of the pieces you need to create marketing collateral that can't help but resonate and motivate. But at the same time, one has to wonder - what happens when the quality of the data becomes less important than the volume? It's a very real risk - and it's one that you'll want to try and avoid for ...

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