It’s no secret that direct mail marketing is one of the most effective forms of promotion and advertising that the modern brand can enjoy. But at the same time, it is imperative to understand that simply using direct mail alone won’t be enough to get the job done. To truly strike a chord with your target audience in a way that gets them to sit up and pay attention, you need to create better, more compelling and more engaging material – which of course requires you to keep a few important pointers in mind.
An Emotional Response is an Engaging Response
By far, the easiest (and maybe the most effective) way to create more engaging direct mail campaigns is to leverage any opportunity for personalization that becomes available. Even if it’s something as simple as using a person’s first name as opposed to a more generic “Dear Sir or Madam,” this chance to inject a little bit of flair into the proceedings will NOT go unnoticed.
Your response rate (and your ROI) are more likely to increase if people feel like you actually care about them. So don’t be afraid to get personal with it – create mailers that are more specific by targeting smaller groups of people, or send offers to someone based on exactly where in the customer journey they happen to be at the time.
Along the same lines, don’t shy away from the fact that your customers are likely going to have questions – or even objections – to the products and services you’re trying to sell. Use that to your advantage by addressing and answering those concerns within the copy itself.
In other words, take advantage of the fact that you can answer someone’s question before they have a chance to ask it – thus establishing yourself as an authority AND helping them overcome a hurdle in the way of a purchase as well. People often refer to this as “reversing the risk” because that’s exactly what you’re doing – you’re being proactive about what someone is thinking. Maybe the most purest example of this idea in action is the classic “if you’re not happy in 30 days, you can get all of your money back” offer.
If you’d like to find out more information about how to create engaging, emotional and effective direct mail marketing campaigns, or if you just have any additional questions about collateral opportunities like plastic postcards that you’d like to discuss in a bit more detail, please don’t delay – contact us today.