Tags Archivesmarketing strategy

Achieving the Perfect Color Balance in Direct Mail Design image

Direct Mail Color Balance

Color is one of those aspects of direct mail design that a lot of people unfortunately don't pay enough attention to until it's far too late. They spend so much time focusing on the precise language in their messaging that color becomes an afterthought - when in reality, it needs to be one of your top priorities from the outset. Case in point: color balance. This is an idea that plays a far bigger role in your direct mail success than you realize and if you're designing your own marketing collateral, there are a few key things you'll want to keep in mind. Building the Perfect Balance: Breaking Things Down By far, one of the most important things to keep in mind ...

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Power of Responsive Direct Mail Plastic Postcards image

Plastic Postcards

Success in terms of marketing is all about getting the right message in front of the right person at exactly the right time - this has always been true and it likely always will be. But how do you make sure that someone actually NOTICES your message when they're receiving more targeted advertisements than ever on a daily basis? The answer is simple: you use a format that they can't help but pay attention to. For many brands, plastic postcards ARE that format and they unlock a myriad of different advantages you won't be able to find anywhere else. Stand Out from the Crowd One of the major benefits that direct mail collateral like plastic postcards bring to the table is that, ...

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The Impact of Using Direct Mail to Boost Online Purchases image

Online Retailers

While it's absolutely true that more and more people are engaging with brands over the Internet these days, that doesn't mean that direct mail is dead - far from it. In fact, even if you operate a business exclusively online, there are still a wide array of different benefits that the right direct mail campaign can bring to the table that would be difficult to replicate through other means. Leveraging Direct Mail to Your (Online) Advantage One of the most important benefits of executing a thoughtfully constructed direct mail campaign ultimately comes down to what it can do for your response rate. According to one recent study, about 67% of millennial parents and 53% of millennials in general say that they're ...

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Turning Brand Transparency into Brand Loyalty image

Brand Transparency

One of the major reasons that people love direct mail in the first place is because it's authentic. As opposed to an email which can be easily ignored (and deleted just as quickly), direct mail has an air of legitimacy to it. It's tangible - you can hold it in your hand or pin it up to your refrigerator, and that absolutely goes a long way towards the impression you're trying to make. But if you really want to use direct mail marketing materials to build customer loyalty, you need to rely on one element above all others: brand transparency. The Art of Brand Transparency At its core, brand transparency means exactly what it sounds like: you're creating an image that says ...

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Keep Your Direct Mail From Becoming Junk Mail image

Direct Mail

There's absolutely nothing worse than spending hours upon hours coordinating what is objectively the best piece of direct mail marketing collateral you've ever created, only to have it wind up in someone's trash. It's happened to many marketers... but it doesn't have to happen to you! At least, not anymore. If you really want to make sure that you're doing everything you can to keep your direct mail from becoming junk mail, there are a few key things you'll want to keep in mind along the way. Avoiding Junk Mail Curse: Your Guide One of the major reasons why people immediately toss direct mail advertisements into the trash is because of the same basic reason: bad addressing. This includes addressing your mail with ...

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The Art of the Purpose-Driven Campaign: Breaking Things Down image

Marketing Strategy

When it comes to the types of direct mail marketing campaigns that you're conducting on a daily basis, it's important for you to realize that there is far less experimentation than you may realize. That's not to say that your campaigns can't be creative, because they absolutely should be. It's just that every piece of collateral that you design needs to be built from the ground up with a very precise purpose in mind. A Purpose-Driven Campaign for a Better Tomorrow One of the core keys to success in any purpose-driven direct mail marketing campaign ultimately comes down to where you choose to begin your efforts. A lot of people make the mistake of starting with the marketing collateral and hoping to build ...

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Where Influencer Marketing Fails, Analytics-Driven Direct Mail Prospers image

Influencer Marketing

There are a lot of people out there who insist that influencer marketing is all the rage these days. Rather than conducting a thoughtfully constructed, forward-thinking direct mail campaign of your own, all you really have to do is partner with the right influencer and you can harness their built-in audience to your advantage. Sounds easy, right? In a best case scenario, it is - but what those people WON'T tell you is that it's a lot harder to get to this point than you might think. Therefore, when influencer marketing fails, it's critical for you to understand that an analytics-driven direct mail campaign can prosper in a wide array of different ways, all of which are more than worth exploring. A ...

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The Key to Avoiding the “Direct Mail” Marketing Rut image

Direct Mail Marketing

One minute, you feel like your direct mail marketing campaign is a wealth of creativity. The next minute, you feel like you're stuck in a rut. We've all been there - in many ways, it's a natural part of the job we're doing every day. But that DOESN'T mean that you have to take that simple fact laying down. If you truly want to avoid getting stuck in a direct mail rut, there are a few key tips you'll want to keep in mind. Building a Better Marketing Campaign: Here's What You Need to Know By far, one of the best ways to avoid getting stuck in that direct mail marketing rut ultimately comes down to going directly against your instincts and ...

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Digital Marketing Alone Isn’t Enough… Think Omni-Channel For Results image

Omni-channel Marketing

Some people operate under the assumption that, since so much of our lives are digital these days, our marketing needs to become the same. Direct mail is meaningless in a world where everyone is carrying around smartphones all day long. Simply put, those people are wrong. Digital marketing has its benefits, but it alone is not enough to get this particular job done - nor will it ever be, for a number of reasons that are certainly worth exploring. Overcoming the Challenges of Digital Marketing By far, the biggest hurdle you have to overcome in terms of digital marketing success has to do with the fact that people's attention is more fractured than ever these days. We're being bombarded by marketing messages at ...

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When Direct Mail Fails… Re-Think Your Approach image

Direct Mail

By now, you're probably well aware of all the studies that have been done that prove direct mail marketing is just as effective as it ever was. Statistics abound that confirm it not only has a much higher response rate than digital marketing, but often generates a better ROI, too. So why, then, isn't it working for you? First off, understand that direct mail is great - but it's not a silver bullet. Nothing is a guarantee in this life, as you've just experienced. Secondly, if your direct mail messaging fails, it doesn't mean you should give up. It means you need to re-think your approach. Back to the Drawing Board By far, the most important thing to understand about direct mail marketing ...

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