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Capture a New Generation of Timeshare Owners image

Timeshare Marketing

You may not think that timeshare marketing is inherently seasonal, but this idea actually couldn't be farther from the truth. Even though the cold winter months are firmly upon us, now is actually the perfect time to start planning the type of campaign that will attract Millennials in particular to what you have to offer. Your prospects are already dreaming about how they're going to escape the winter blues and many of them are currently planning their summer getaways. They're in the mood for fun and excitement and this is exactly the spirit that you can use to empower your lead generation efforts moving forward. Taking Advantage of the Next Generation of Timeshare Owners One of the reasons why direct mail ...

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Timeshare Leads for Summer… and Beyond! image

Dynami card

A lot of people look at timeshare marketing as something that exists primarily in the summer... and from a certain perspective, that's true. But the fact of the matter is, you can't wait until warm weather has already arrived to start reaching out to people in your target audience - by that point, you've probably missed your best shot. Therefore, if you really want to generate more timeshare leads for summer AND beyond, there are a few key things to keep in mind. Timeshare Leads and Targeted Mailing: A Match Made in Heaven "Summer" means a lot of different things to a lot of different people depending on where in the country you live. So to really make an impact with ...

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Why Postcard Mailer with Removable Gift Cards are So Effective for Timeshare Lead Generation image

Dynami card

In order to be successful, the marketing campaign for a timeshare needs to generate promising leads--and often the roadblock to producing enough valuable leads is getting a prospective customer to pay attention to your offer. Many advertising methods fall short by this measuWhy Postcard Mailer with Removable Gift Cards are So Effective for Timeshare Lead Generationre, with marketing e-mail blasts getting lost to spam filters, advertisements in magazines getting flipped quickly past, and television commercials muted or skipped altogether. On the other hand, direct mail marketing offers one of the easiest and most effective ways to generate timeshare leads: by including a gift card with your plastic postcard mailer. Such postcard mailers with gift card pop-outs are highly effective ...

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