Categories ArchivesDirect Mail Analytics

Why Your Customer Retention Strategy Matters image

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If you need proof that a customer retention strategy should be a critical part of any business, consider the following statistic: it costs as much as five times as much money to attract a new customer than it does to keep an existing one. When it comes to a task as important as this one, there's a reason why many marketers said that direct mail is still one of the most commonly used customer acquisition channels - it's a precise, emotional and effective way to continue to manage those essential relationships at exactly the right moment. Customer Retention Is About Relationship Management One of the most important things to understand about your customer retention strategy is that you need to make sure that you're building ...

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Automotive Marketing: Breaking It Down image

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According to one recent study, the average car buyer usually spends between one and three months shopping and researching before making a new or used car purchase. Likewise, "walking in" remains the most common form of initial contact between car dealerships and more than half of prospective buyers - something that has always been, and will likely always be, true. So how do you connect these two increasingly important points? Simple - you make the most out of every opportunity you have to interact with these prospective buyers, leveraging the full power of techniques like automotive marketing postcards to your advantage. The Impact of the Plastic Postcard Mailer Especially in terms of automotive marketing, print collateral like automotive marketing postcards bring with them a ...

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How Direct Mail Marketing Can Help Optimize Your Real Estate Marketing Campaign image

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Finding new clients as a real estate agent can feel like a struggle. Television commercials and newspaper advertisements cannot be targeted enough to be effective, and as ubiquitous as online marketing has become, it is frequently unreliable for drawing in new real estate clients. Indeed, almost three-quarters of all real estate agents are dissatisfied with the amount of leads that their websites generate. On the other hand, direct mail marketing utilizing real estate marketing postcards can connect with potential clients like no other form of advertising. Here are three reasons why using a plastic postcard mailer in a direct mail campaign is such an effective real estate marketing strategy. A plastic postcard mailer can connect with potential leads on a personal level. Choosing a real ...

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Restaurant Marketing: The Power of Plastic Gift Card Mailers image

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How important is marketing to the success of your average restaurant? In a word, "very." This is especially true in terms of the gift cards, coupons and other promotions that you send out - a time-honored way to get people through the door of nearly any type of restaurant you can think of for ages. Studies have shown that people are 66% more likely to actually remember to use a voucher if they have a physical copy to carry around with them. Likewise, 2.5 billion coupons and similar types of promotions were redeemed in 2015 alone. But the true benefit of techniques like plastic gift card mailers for restaurants rests in a number of areas that most people, sadly, overlook. The Art of Direct Mail ...

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Why Tracking Your Marketing Campaign’s Performance is Critical image

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Whether your business is brand new or entering its twentieth year, an effective advertising campaign is necessary to ensure continued success and to generate new business--but how can you know if your marketing efforts are successful? Choosing a marketing strategy can feel like gambling; is your television commercial catchy enough to hold your prospective customers' attention, or is the subject line of your e-mail marketing blast eye-catching enough? One marketing strategy stands out from the rest in terms of performance tracking: direct mail marketing. With direct mail postcards combined with direct marketing performance tracking, your business can craft an effective marketing message and guarantee that it is being heard. So why exactly is direct marketing performance tracking so important? Performance tracking can reveal which segments ...

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The Benefit of Direct Mail Marketing Companies image

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Direct mail marketing is more powerful than ever - after all, more than 150 million direct mail promotions were sent out in 2015 alone. Yet at the same time, it's not a silver bullet. Running the wrong direct mail campaign for the wrong audience at the wrong time can be devastating, both in terms of the negative taste you leave in the mouth of your collective audience and in terms of the money wasted on results you'll never achieve. Ultimately, all of this is exactly why working with a direct mail marketing partner is so critical to your success. The Value of a Direct Mail Partner Simply put, your expertise probably isn't in the world of marketing - it's deeply rooted in the actual business you're ...

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Targeted Direct Mail vs. Junk Mail image

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According to one recent study, the average household in the United States gets about six pieces of junk mail every single day. In fact, every five days we collectively produce enough junk mail to literally reach the moon. Junk mail as a concept doesn't just damage the environment (roughly one billion pounds wind up in landfills each year, after all) - it also damages the legitimate direct mail marketing efforts that companies like you are engaged in every single day. Shattering The Myth of "Junk" Mail One of the most critical things for you to understand about junk mail is that it is NOT a term used to describe any and all marketing collateral that someone happens to get when they ...

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Why Direct Mail Companies Continue to Succeed in 2018 and Beyond image

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Despite the increasing number of advertising methods available, reaching new customers and engaging existing clients remains a huge challenge for businesses of all types. Every marketing strategy has pros and cons, but one advertising method stands above the rest in terms of effectiveness and return on investment: direct mail marketing. So why is direct mail marketing--and the direct mail marketing services that facilitate such advertisements--poised for such continued success in 2018 and beyond? Direct mail is personal. By their very nature, television commercials, online advertisements and newspaper ads can never be truly personalized to every prospective customer--making it a lot easier for an audience to ignore this marketing message. Direct mail postcards, on the other hand, can be personalized to speak directly to each ...

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Creating the Perfect Direct Mail Marketing Strategy image

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A direct mail marketing campaign is still a powerful tool in the modern era - the direct mail response rate alone is still 5.1% compared to just .6% for email. But at the same time, without the right direct mail marketing strategy at the heart of it all, you won't be able to get anywhere near the results that you after. Before you send out your next direct mail postcards or other collateral, there are a few key things you'll want to keep in mind. The Art of the Direct Mail Marketing Strategy One of the most important concepts for you to master in terms of direct mail marketing ultimately comes down to personalization. People love relevant content in particular, which is why ...

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The Psychology of Direct Mail Printing image

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Despite the fact that most people are now checking their smartphones within five short minutes of waking up in the morning, direct mail printing services and related marketing efforts are stronger than ever. Part of this has to do with the uniqueness of the format, yes - but there's actually a psychological explanation to this that is equally important that you're definitely going to want to know more about. The Art (and Power) of Direct Mail Part of the reason why direct mail printing services are still so effective comes by way of how different they are in the modern era. A lot of this has to do with the reality factor, which is something that most other marketing opportunities will never possess ...

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