Despite the increasing number of advertising methods available, reaching new customers and engaging existing clients remains a huge challenge for businesses of all types. Every marketing strategy has pros and cons, but one advertising method stands above the rest in terms of effectiveness and return on investment: direct mail marketing. So why is direct mail marketing–and the direct mail marketing services that facilitate such advertisements–poised for such continued success in 2018 and beyond?
Direct mail is personal.
By their very nature, television commercials, online advertisements and newspaper ads can never be truly personalized to every prospective customer–making it a lot easier for an audience to ignore this marketing message. Direct mail postcards, on the other hand, can be personalized to speak directly to each individual customer, increasing their impact and making direct mail significantly more effective.
A plastic postcard mailer can’t be skipped or caught in a spam folder.
As technology advances, methods of advertising have evolved as well–as has the ability of customers to completely block out such advertisements. New streaming services help potential customers skip television commercials altogether, and spam filters can prevent a target from ever seeing your marketing e-mail. Here’s where direct mail (and the companies that offer this service) has a leg up: when you send a plastic postcard mailer to a prospective customer, you can be sure they’ll actually see your message.
Direct mail marketing offers unparalleled results.
Ultimately, the determining factor in how successful any marketing method is comes down to how effectively it can draw in new (and repeat) business–and this is the major reason why direct mail companies will continue to see incredible success going forward. Studies have shown that direct mail offers a response rate of almost 4 percent, compared to just 0.6 percent for all types of digital advertising; other research has demonstrated that customers remember direct mail advertisements significantly better than digital ads. In other words, direct mail marketing can provide your business with unparalleled marketing results.
As a full-service direct mail company, DynamiCard offers a complete range of direct mail services to our clients. From helping to design your plastic postcard mailer to assisting in compiling direct marketing lists, we can help your business achieve marketing success this year. Our skilled direct mail team can work with you to ensure that you receive the highest return on your marketing dollars. Find out more about our services and receive a free quote by contacting us today.