While direct mail is an extremely effective channel, it requires a focused strategy. Ensure your mail stands out from the mailbox with these tips:
Keep is simple and relevant
Don’t try to fit too much on the page. Favor recognition, above all else, and drive people to take action in other channels. Increase the impact of your direct mail by tying it to customer actions.
Be offer focused
While it’s tempting to focus on the fact that the average consumer was projected to spend over $1000 last holiday season, the truth is that most shoppers are looking for a deal. Make sure your offer is enticing.
Make sure to reach your audience
Sending mail to undeliverable addresses increases your postage costs and reduces your ability to timely engage with your audience.
Track and test
Make sure that each of your direct mail campaigns have unique links, codes, etc. so that you can accurately measure the success of your campaign.
Reward loyal customers
Use this holiday season to drive engagement with your regular customers. Include offers on purchases they can make for themselves and others.
Show that you understand your audience
Personalize content to match your customers’ preferences. Include relevant products and offers, and use design that reflects their style.
Make it festive
If it’s the most wonderful time of the year, why are you using the same creative from earlier campaigns? Bring a seasonal flare to your holiday campaigns to show customers your more joyful side.