Many people in a variety of industries these days use email lists to reach out to their target audiences in a more immediate way than ever before. But are those lists actually as effective as some people claim? Not necessarily… which is why there are a few key disadvantages that you’ll absolutely want to keep in mind before you make a decision one way or the other.

The Hidden Downsides of Consumer Email Lists

If you had to say anything positive about consumer email lists, it’s that they’re efficient. Sadly, that’s right about where the discussion would end.

Not only do these types of email lists offer historically low open and response rates, but they’re also prone to a high number of SPAM reports – meaning that they’ll also bring with them a high level of unsubscribes as well. They’re also more competitive than you realize, especially when you consider the sheer volume of emails that someone receives daily. You’re not just competing with other businesses in your industry at that point. You’re competing with every message a person receives, all battling over their increasingly fractured attention in a way that is difficult to recover from.

When you also consider that many people have multiple email addresses (meaning that it’s impossible to know if your prospect is actually receiving your message), you’re dealing with something of a perfect storm in the worst possible way. These lists are simply costly and are not as effective as you think they are.

The Power of Direct Marketing Lists

A direct mail targeted mailing list, on the other hand, will solve many of these challenges – essentially all at the same time. Direct marketing lists allow you to target based on not only geographic location, but important factors like demographical data as well. In other words, you can guarantee that you’re sending your plastic postcards and other collateral to the people who are most likely to be receptive to them in the first place.

Likewise, prospects mailing lists that are rented allow you to guarantee that you’re receiving only the most recent and accurate prospect data, making a better response rate and a significantly higher return on investment all but a forgone conclusion.

If you’d like to find out more information about the downsides of consumer email lists, or if you have any additional questions about direct marketing lists and demographic targeting that you’d like to see answered, please don’t delay – contact us today.