Any seasoned marketer will tell you that in terms of response rates and return on investment (ROI) alone, the choice between targeted mailing vs. digital offers for your restaurant isn’t actually much of a choice at all. Only targeted direct mail campaigns, coupled with a consistent and forward-thinking marketing strategy, will generate you the types of increased revenue you need when you need it the most.
Making Targeted Mailing Work For You
One of the best ways that you can increase your restaurant revenue with direct mail comes by way of the unique opportunity to target new movers in your area. People move into your city all the time – people who might not have local friends or family members, and don’t know where to get a good bite to eat. Therefore, if your restaurant marketing plan involves reaching out to these new movers as quickly as possible, you can make sure that the first local restaurant they try after they’re all settled in is yours.
Likewise, remember that direct mail ROI for restaurants is about more than just getting a steady stream of new people coming in the door. It’s also about making the most out of the customers you already have. That means customer retention, which is also something that is made far easier with targeted mailing. Even if you only go as far as to offer deep discounts on new menu items, people will still be happy to receive consistent materials from your business in a way that keeps them coming back for more.
But in the end, it’s critical for you to understand that your restaurant marketing plan depends on a consistent mailing strategy. Be proactive about things – start seasonal promotions ahead of key holidays, like Valentine’s Day or Mother’s Day, well in advance to get people ready. Don’t wait send those materials out only a few weeks ahead of time, when most people probably already have plans. Likewise, make an effort to always keep your website current so that once people do receive your direct mail collateral, they can go to your virtual doorstep to get even more up-to-date information about when they’ll be paying you their next visit.
If you’d like to find out more information about increasing restaurant revenue with direct mail, or if you have any additional questions you’d like to discuss with someone in a little more detail, please don’t delay – contact us today.