As your competitors are probably taking more obvious marketing routes this season, direct mail is a unique way to reach customers. With email and digital marketing as an easy focus for most businesses, direct mail will help you cut through the messaging clutter.
I don’t know about you, but during the holidays, my inbox is flooded with deals, offers, and sales reminders. Some great, many annoying. A physical, personalized piece of direct mail, on the other hand, is the perfect way to reach consumers. You won’t annoy your audience, and the odds of your message being read is much higher. Did you know that 77 percent of consumers look through their mail right away. Those are great odds of having your potential customers get your message, read it, and act on it.
Holiday Campaigns Are Perfect for Non-Profits
Not only do direct mail campaigns help businesses with their marketing, they are also great for non-profits to garner donations.
The holidays are a time of giving, and people are often looking for ways to give to their local community during this time. Be top of mind among the generous by sending an impactful mailing!
Plus, there are many different options for how you do your mailing, depending on your goals.
Contact Us:
At Dynamicard, we create professional-looking mailers, complete with your own logo. We feature high-value content to get the best reach possible for prospective clients. Our mailers are fully customizable and allow you to connect with your community. This customization makes our mailers even more informative and effective. The possibilities are endless! Mailers can advertise new membership services, provide coupons or even show off new facilities! Direct Mail Marketing is a powerful way to build and maintain your client base.
If you’d like to find out more information about how your business can benefit from direct mailer, or if you have any additional questions you’d like to discuss with someone in a bit more detail, please don’t delay – contact us today.