While it’s certainly true that no two successful direct mail marketing campaigns operate in quite the same way, there ARE a few common elements that most of them share. Yes, you’ll want to come up with something that is unique unto your business and your goals. Having said that, there are not one, but three critical elements that you’re definitely going to want to make sure that your next strategy includes.

Know Your Audience

By far, the most important element of your direct mail marketing strategy is also the most immediate: your audience. Success depends on your ability to get the right message in front of the right person at precisely the right time. How are you supposed to do that if you’re still unsure of who these people even are?

Therefore, you should be using analytics and other sophisticated features to collect as much history about your ideal customers as possible. Then, you can fill your prospects lists with people just like them.

Refine That Offer

Once you know who the right person is, you’re in a better position to uncover exactly what they want to hear – which means refining your offer as much as possible. If your offer doesn’t resonate with your customers, they will not buy from you – end of story. If your current strategy isn’t working, it likely has to do with the fact that your offer just isn’t as enticing as you think it is. Therefore, you need to get back to the drawing board.

Design, Design, Design

Finally, never underestimate the power that a quality design can bring to the table.

Think back to all of the successful direct mail marketing pieces that you saw last year. What did they all have in common from a design perspective? What elements did they share? How did they stand out in a crowd? How did they grab people’s attention? How did they use elements like color, fonts or even the size of text?

Think about what you’re offering from this perspective and make sure you’re coming up with a design that will grab people’s attention in a way they won’t soon be able to forget.

If you’d like to find out more information about ways that you can empower your marketing campaign through performance tracking, A/B testing and even graphic design, or if you’d just like to discuss the specifics of your situation with someone in a little more detail, please don’t delay –  contact us today.