Direct mail marketing offers restaurants innumerable benefits; unlike many other forms of advertisements, plastic card mailers for restaurants can be personalized, they benefit from their physicality and they provide a durable reminder of your restaurant for prospective diners. At the same time, however, your plastic postcard mailer can only be effective if it actually reaches the right group of potential customers. That’s why direct mail tracking is so critical for any direct mail campaign. Effective tracking can help your restaurant understand your direct mail campaign’s performance and adapt to any challenges in three key ways.
By Revealing the Responsiveness of Each Demographic
Without a targeted mailing list, you could end up sending your plastic postcard mailers to scores of people who are unlikely to ever set foot in your restaurant. Direct mail tracking can assist you in avoiding this costly mistake. By keeping count of which prospective diners received and used your direct mail offer, direct mail tracking can quickly reveal which demographic groups are interested in your restaurant–and which are not.
By Showing You Which Offers are Most Attractive to Your Customers
The work isn’t done once you’ve figured out who your restaurant’s typical customer is; you must also understand what offers are most compelling to guarantee the best results from your direct mail campaign. Direct mail tracking can show you which offers are used the most–and by which demographics–providing you with critical information to help you customize effective offers.
By Helping You Understand the Most Effective Combination of Demographic Group and Offer
The most successful direct mail campaigns target the right customers with the offers they’ll find most attractive, and direct mail tracking can provide you with the information your restaurant needs to maximize your direct mail campaign’s results and achieve the highest return on your marketing budget.
The direct mail team at Dynamicard understands the importance of receiving quick and precise feedback on the performance of your plastic postcard mailer campaign. We launched our DynamiScan service to help our clients track the responses they receive to their plastic card mailers for restaurants. Using patent-pending technology, we can tell you which demographic groups become diners and which offers were most appealing to your restaurant’s clientele. By utilizing DynamiScan, your restaurant can trim your mailing list of low-responding groups, increasing the efficiency of your advertising campaign and saving you valuable marketing dollars. Just contact us today to learn more about DynamiScan and Dynamicard’s complete range of direct mail services.