Getting attention for your big, grand opening is always important because you want to hit the ground running, so to speak. Whether you’re a new business opening in an already competitive area, or you’re formally re-opening an established one, businesses of all types have hurdles to consider when planning their grand opening strategy in the COVID era.
But thankfully, you’re in luck. Direct mail and grand openings are the perfect pairing, and this is true for a number of reasons that are certainly worth a closer look.
Building Anticipation for the Most Successful Grand Openings
One of the most important steps you can take to launch your grand opening with the power of direct mail involves making sure that you’re sending collateral out to the right people in the first place.
Instead of going after the widest possible audience, go after the most specific one – use targeted mailing and data analytics to get your direct mail postcards and other collateral in front of the people who are most likely to become your “ideal customer” in the first place. Once those people are in the door, the quality of the experience will motivate them to tell their friends and family members – thus turning them from customers into loyal advocates before you know it.
Along the same lines, you’ll also want to make an effort to use your direct mail marketing strategy to really make your grand opening something special. Don’t start sending out collateral a week in advance – start sending it out as soon as humanly possible. Make a memorable first impression by letting people know who you are, why you started your business and what makes you so special to begin with. Go into detail about what they’ll find in your establishment that they won’t be able to get anywhere else.
Really make an effort to build not only excitement, but anticipation. At that point, you won’t have to worry about reminding people when that big day finally arrives. They’ll have already put it on their calendars and will jump at the chance to head right through those doors once they’re finally opened to the public.
If you’d like to find out more information about how to launch your big grand opening with the power of direct mail in the COVID era, or if you have any additional questions about your marketing strategy that you’d like to go over with someone in a bit more detail, please don’t delay – contact us today.