Franchises of all kinds can boost the results of their advertising efforts by utilizing direct mail marketing. However, achieving maximum success from a plastic postcard mailer campaign depends upon correctly targeting the prospective customer base that is most likely to respond to your offer, and this task is one that many franchises struggle with. After all, how accurately can your franchise define its representative customer based on age, income, martial status and so on? If you don’t know the answer, your franchise risks wasting valuable marketing dollars sending your plastic postcard mailers to groups that don’t match your buyers’ demographic profile. Luckily, direct mail analytics can provide the answers to help your franchise precisely tailor your mailing list–and here are the three ways that analytics can help maximize the results of your campaign using plastic card mailers for franchises.

By Helping to Create Effective Buyer Profiles

Whether you know what it is or not, your franchise has a typical buyer profile: a common age range, household income, martial status and more that define your customers. Knowing who this buyer is makes it possible to target your plastic postcard mailer campaign towards those who meet your ideal demographic–and who are thus more likely to be responsive to your plastic card mailers for franchises. Direct mail analytics enables your franchise to define a targeted buyer profile and make your marketing campaign more successful.

By Allowing Accurate Audience Segmentation

Through direct mail analytics, many franchises find that they have more than one type of typical buyer, but each customer group is more responsive to a different type of offer. For example, your franchise might attract both younger and older customers for different reasons. Knowing this allows you to adjust your plastic postcard mailers’ offerings to each buyer type, driving higher response rates overall.

By Enabling Evaluation of Customers’ Responses

Tracking which customers respond to which offers is critical for making the most of your franchise’s direct mail campaign. Direct mail analytics makes this possible, help you tailor your mailing list and reduce advertising waste even further.

Dynamicard’s DynamiScan service is designed to allow franchises to closely track the results of their plastic postcard mailer campaigns. While utilizing plastic card mailers for franchises can provide an excellent return on your marketing dollars, direct mail analytics can help you save even more of your advertising budget by allowing you to carefully tailor and refine your mailing list to target only the most responsive demographics. To find out more about how Dynamicard’s suite of direct mail services can benefit your franchise, please contact us today for more information and a free quote.