Direct mail marketing is stronger than ever these days, but simply sending your marketing collateral through USPS alone is not enough to get the job done. You need to go deeper, working harder than ever to strike a chord with your audience. To that end, marketing with plastic postcards is one of the most important opportunities you have for a number of different reasons you’ll definitely want to be aware of.
The Raw Power of Plastic Postcards
A lot of people don’t realize that plastic postcards don’t just have a high response rate in terms of direct mail – they have a high response rate period. The average response rate is about 12%, which is far higher than competing techniques you might be experimenting with.
A large part of this has to do with the fact that plastic postcards have a higher-end appeal than other types of direct mail, thus allowing them to stand out from all the paper someone receives on a daily basis. Plus, you can really differentiate your marketing campaign from the rest of your competitors by experimenting with techniques like die-cut postcards. They’ll feel even more different and even more appealing, thus attracting the right type of attention when you need it the most.
Plastic postcards give you a chance to leverage techniques that other types of direct mail simply don’t offer. You could have a pop-out gift card that recipients can conveniently store in their wallets for future redemption, for example. That may not seem like much – but A) people love getting free things in the mail, and B) if you make it easy for someone to hang onto something, they typically WILL instead of just throwing it in the garbage with the rest of the promotional items they get.
When you partner with the right provider, you can also take these efforts even further. At Dynamicard, for example, we have over 50 templates that are not only USPS-approved (meaning you won’t run into any unexpected design issues that delay your rollout), but you can even create custom die-cut designs as well. All of this allows you to make just the right impression at the best possible time, which is an exciting position for ANY business to be in.
If you’d like to find out more information about how to supercharge your marketing efforts by way of the innovative use of plastic postcards, or if you have any additional questions you’d like to discuss with someone in a bit more detail, please don’t delay – contact us today.