Many franchises are initially tempted to forego direct mail marketing in favor of an e-mail marketing campaign; after all, the newest technology is always the best, right? When it comes to marketing, the answer is: not always. Marketing e-mails may be easy to send, but ensuring that they actually reach the customer, are read and are acted upon is a different story. Before embarking on your franchise’s next marketing campaign, consider the reasons that direct mail using plastic card mailers for franchises offers more benefits than e-mail marketing does for franchises of all kinds.
Inbox fatigue
One of the major issues facing any e-mail marketing campaign is competing with the vast number of similar e-mails that each recipient receives every day. After all, how many marketing e-mails did you get today–and how many did you actually read? On the other hand, physical mail is more scarce and thus more likely to be paid attention to. Indeed, an Epsilon study revealed that 77 percent of American consumers go through the contents of their mailbox immediately. Your franchise faces much lower competition in the mailbox than the inbox, and taking advantage of this by using a plastic postcard mailer instead of e-mail is a smart move.
Spam filters
Of course, an e-mail marketing message can suffer an even worse fate than not being read: it could end up caught by the recipient’s spam filter. Unfortunately, many common words and phrases used in marketing e-mails such as “winner” and “gift certificate” increase the likelihood of an e-mail being redirected to spam. Besides decreasing the likelihood of anyone ever reading your franchise’s offer when it sits in a spam folder, repeated reports of spam sent to your web host could cause your franchise’s website to be shut down. On the other hand, physical mailboxes are not equipped with spam filters.
Personal connection
Even if your marketing e-mail is read, you must inspire the recipient to act on your offer in order to be successful. Making a personal connection with your prospective customers is critical to turning them into actual customers, but this is a difficult task over e-mail. Multitasking on the computer is standard, meaning that your marketing e-mail will have to rise above the noise of everything else your recipient has going on. Plastic postcard mailers don’t suffer from this disadvantage; after all, who doesn’t pay attention when they see their name on a piece of physical mail?
At Dynamicard, we are pleased to offer an entire suite of direct mail services to our franchise clients. Our team of experts understand the challenges that franchises face when launching an effective marketing campaign, and we can help craft plastic card mailers for franchises that will drive customer traffic and boost your revenues. To find out more about how our direct mail services can help your franchise achieve marketing success, please contact us today.