Over the last few years in particular, more and more businesses have been investing most – if not all – of their efforts in email marketing than ever before. From a certain perspective, this makes sense as millions of people in the United States carry cell phones around with them in their pockets all day long. This means that it’s now possible to reach someone from virtually anywhere… but that isn’t necessarily the major advantage you might think it to be.

People are bombarded by marketing emails all day, every day – which can make it difficult for you to stand out in a crowd. Therefore, if you truly want to increase your response rates AND your ROI, direct mail marketing is likely still the way to go.

The Power of Direct Mail Marketing: Fighting Email Exhaustion

Yes, sending someone an email is as cheap as it is effective in that in a matter of minutes you can craft a great message that you can guarantee actually made it into someone’s inbox.

The problem, however, is that emails are incredibly easy to ignore – especially when a prospect is getting a lot of them in a day, as we all are. If they don’t just outright ignore that message, it’s even easier for them to delete it forever – most email clients require little more than a mouse click or a finger swipe before that message is lost in a void.

With direct mail marketing, on the other hand, you can at the very least guarantee that something tangible wound up in someone’s hand. They still have to walk to the mailbox to get it and, at the very least, this means they’re going to read more than just an email subject line. If your collateral is designed thoughtfully enough, it will likely be able to get their attention. At that point, that collateral winding up in the garbage can is NOT a guarantee.

Likewise, you can even put multi-channel marketing to good use and leverage both of these ideas at the same time. Start a conversation in print and then let it carry on via more convenient virtual means. But when it comes to putting all of your proverbial eggs in one basket, email marketing is rarely – if ever- the way you want to go.

If you’re interested in finding out about even more innovative ways to fight email exhaustion, or if you’re just wondering how the right partner can help take your own marketing efforts to the next level, please don’t delay – contact us today.