Direct mail marketing can be an extremely powerful way to reach new customers and reconnect with existing ones, and a wide variety of businesses find success by utilizing plastic postcard mailers. Once a company has decided to go the direct mail route, however, they must then choose a printing service to produce their mailers. If your business finds itself in this position, here are the six key considerations to keep in mind as you weigh your printing options.
Custom Design Experience
Unless you happen to be a designer on the side, trying to draft the graphics and text layout for your plastic postcard mailer yourself can be an overwhelming task. The best printers also offer custom design services to work closely with you to create an eye-catching design that perfectly conveys your marketing message.
Top-Quality Finishing
Particularly when you are looking to produce a large number of plastic postcard mailers, assuring consistent finishing quality is important. A single bad cut can ruin an entire run of mailers, costing you time and money. Make sure you opt for a printer who is careful and meticulous with every finishing detail on each job.
Extensive Color Choices
Dull, flat colors can make otherwise well-designed mailers appear cheap and low-quality, leading to an un-engaging postcard that fails to capture your customer’s attention. Choosing a printer who is able to replicate the entire range of colors in your design clearly and cleanly is critical.
Variety of Available Paper Stock Options
The particular paper that will work best for your plastic postcard printing order depends on a number of design factors. Opting for a printer who keeps a wide range of paper options on hand is one of the best ways to ensure that your promotion is presented well.
Fast and Responsive Service
Whether you need to make a last-minute design change or you find yourself rushing to get a new job completed with a short turnaround time, how responsive your printer is often makes the difference between success and failure. Finding a printer who can react quickly and thoroughly to your questions and changes is an important characteristic.
Nationwide Printing Capabilities
One sign that your printer has the experience and proficiency necessary to ensure that you achieve the best results with your plastic postcard mailer is to look at the extent of their printing capabilities. A printer with numerous clients nationwide is more likely to have the ability to handle your order effectively.
At Dynamicard, we are proud to embody all six of these characteristics. Our plastic postcard printing professionals understand the importance of reliable and high-quality service when choosing a printer for your direct mail campaign. Our experts work with you at every step of the process, from the initial design through the response tracking. To learn more about how our services can make your plastic postcard mailer campaign more successful, please contact us today.