The most effective restaurant marketing strategy designed to attract the upper crust can be found in the selection of the ideal targeted mailing list. This in which will reach the finest clientele.
We can effectively deliver our plastic postcard mailers to demographics that include individuals from the upscale income level. And local homeowners who reside in the finest neighborhoods. Given the status that individuals from this demographic group have achieved, they are frequent guests in fine restaurants because it’s an important part of their lifestyle.
Below is How to Use Plastic Postcard Mailers to Attract the Upper Crust of Clientele Without Attracting Deal Seekers
The plastic postcard mailers should also have an attached and elegant individual plastic gift card that can be easily removed. This die cut, plastic postcard mailer features both a snap out promotional gift card and a key tag (key FOB). Both card, key tag and plastic postcard card can be easily personalized, numbered, or barcoded. They make great gifts, which is why they are so popular and effective in restaurant direct mail campaigns.
We take nothing for granted at Dynamicard. Nothing is left to chance, including the final results where we determine the effectiveness of the campaign. That information is obtained through the use of our Direct Mail Analytics Software. Regardless of how unique the final design appears to be, the results give us a bottom line measurement on performance.
This special gift card will entitle the guest and family members to a $10 or $15 gift card when they visit your restaurant alone, or with guests. The card can be designed with a limited amount of restaurant visits or date limitations.
The Importance of Cross Promotion
With any type of restaurant marketing, the restaurant name, address and logo should tastefully appear on the plastic postcard mailers. Additionally, if the key decision makers at The National Organization for Women Business Owners agree, they can feature the restaurant logo and name on their website as a sponsor. And the same type of reciprocal arrangement with the restaurant.
Consider DynamiCard plastic postcards and analytics today! (800) 928-7670 7:30 am-4:30 pm PST.